Reliable and Smart Solar

A variety of modules and solutions to fit your solar project needs

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Vertex solar modules

Vertex red and blue logo

Ultra high power up to 620W

The new generation of Vertex N high-efficiency modules has excellent characteristics of n-type cells, such as high efficiency, high bifaciality, low-temperature coefficient, and low degradation. Based on the advanced 210R N-TOPCon technology platform, the advantages of high power, high efficiency, high power generation, and high reliability will be further amplified, which are designed to reduce the energy cost of electricity (LCOE).

Vertex N 700W

Vertex N 610W

Vertex solar modules

Vertex red and blue logo

Small in Size, Bigger on Power

Trinasolar's new generation Vertex S+ is based on n type i-TOPCon technology with 210mm advanced platform. It adopts 1.6*1.6mm ultra-slim dual-glass design. The product ensures the higher power generation, high reliability and safety, lightweight and easy to install. The monofacial NEG9R.28 comes with a white rear encapsulant for maximum output power, boasting up to 445Wp and reaching 22.3% efficiency. The transparent NEG9RC.27 is the preferred option for high-end aesthetic applications. This bifacial module features a front side power of 435Wp, at 21.8% efficiency. Both types feature a surface area of just under 2 square meters (1’762*1’134*30mm) and a black aluminum frame.

Vertex S+ 445W

Vertex S+ 455W

Vertex solar modules

Vertex red and blue logo

Módulos de Potência Ultra-Alta 690W / 590W / 440W

Os módulos fotovoltaicos de maior potência com células N-Type e tecnologia TOPCon chegam à América Latina. A linha Vertex N da Trina Solar apresenta uma Maior eficiência de até 22%+, degradação ultra-baixa de apenas 1%, Menos LCOE, maior retorno de investimento e mais geração de energia.

Módulo Vertex670W

Módulo Vertex610W

Módulo Vertex580W

Módulo Vertex510W

Compacto e Super Potente 410W
A solução FV que cabe em qualquer tipo de telhado.

Sendo o primeiro módulo de ultra-alta potência projetado especificamente para residências e indústrias de pequeno porte, esta nova série de módulos de 410W tem todas as vantagens e inovações das células de 210mm, garantindo melhor desempenho em superfícies reduzidas. O Vertex S atinge 21,3% de eficiência e é compatível com os principais componentes de uma instalação FV.